Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Beltane Garden Tour...

The garden here on our cliff has seemed exuberant this spring! However, it may also simply be that I have been more interested in looking at them through my new camera's lens, with renewed photographer's eyes... At any rate, that combination has allowed me to find joy I want to share.

While some of these shots date back a month or so, this is representative as a Beltane [or May Day] tour...

Stephen's lawn is one of his prides, & it shows, especially when he's mown it, which he approaches as a meditation...

Here is a view from the bedroom three floors above the Star Magnolia, showing our proximity to the Puget Sound... For more than a month this tree's bouquet has been the garden Prima Donna...

The star quality only increases in a close-up...

Each spring an early yellow Keria must soon vie with a red-red rhododendron, making one of my favorite combinations. Then both are literally overshaded by an umbrella of white wild cherry blossoms... before it becomes a faux snow-storm of petals.

Another magenta magnolia down the slope vibrates with a distant lilac...

Below that is a wild-ish spot I'm just beginning to develope, right on the edge above our bulkhead, It boasts a Ceanothus, which has a color I especially love with its neighboring bronze fennel & a golden bamboo.

On the north we have beds of contrasting Ajuga & a yellow groundcover which bump the impact of these black tulips...

These tulips enjoy the long view to the East...

1 comment:

molarbear's posts said...

Hi Gordon, enjoyed your latest post very much, what beauty you have shared with your readers!

A veritable feast of colours...and the lawn provides a green underpinning to every other colour.

Thank you!--Deepa