Monday, February 05, 2007


Finally! I am celebrating the creative depths which this season traditionally holds for me.

Even as I can predict a bit of reticence, & often irregular rhythms, I always worry... until I find myself in that gripping drive which plays-out in late nights of wax carving & concentrated research as I come to grips with ideas wrestling back... fantasy in dialogue with reality, something rather Montessori, if you will.

First, perhaps, some repetition of impulses toward a notion for a bell begins to tickle, whether during the highs of the holiday sales season, or waiting for that sag time after New Years.

I do have a full backlog of such notions both from others' suggestions, & from my own notions. Some have become perennial problems, like that of a HUMMINGBIRD Bell, which ephemeral action eludes my imagination to capture its hyper-movement in static wax & metal.

Yet the idea of a SEAHORSE Bell has caught my interest recently, between the aquariums in Florida last winter & in Mystic, CN last month, with a similar problematic pique to my imagination... I suspect this rather stiff, narrow form might easily result in pinched resonance. The larger wax is a first study in which I confronted sseveral such problems & I have now designed a 3 piece flexible clapper... making a "flick" of action to improve the strike.

I believe the bell will ultimately project a good voice, but one never knows for certain until the non-resonant wax is cast & assembled in metal...


Appleblossom said...

Oh! so much more circular than I had imagined that horse of the sea....

I have linked my blog to your home page my dear, under links of beauty.


molarbear's posts said...

Oh...the present, and according to you, yet-to-evolve shape is beautiful enough to me...I await the jellyfish designs, too..
Wonderful to be able, not only to see the tangible fruit of creation, but the process of it as well...

You are one of the wonderful personalities DnA brought into my life and thoughts.