Thursday, April 06, 2006


I have not posted for too long! I am having much difficulty managing all the new images I've spent so much of my spring's energy collecting... here are a few...

These views of the south garden show a red-red rhodie whose timing I love because it plays so lively with the yellow of the Keria..

I continue to experiment with & learn about my camera's wide selection of modes & settings... I'm having a good time making photographs again after retiring my old 35mm a decade ago.

Another sort of "bloom" is the "cottage" we are having built to replace the decrepit shed which space will now become a writing retreat for Stephen...

This retaining wall was built during the original remodel to support the shed... we will continue to use the space underneath the floor as firewood storage.

With this as his contemplative view of the Sound, from it's eventual deck, overlooking the roof [lower] of his office. It will have another composting toilet, plus a bidet to compliment it's small loft, up in the light filled open roof, to allow it to double as another guest space...

We have been enjoying incredible skies over the water of late...

Monday evening's storm brought this blessing of a rainbow as finale...

I close with my own Springtime blessings!

1 comment:

molarbear's posts said...

some beautiful pictures Gordon, I loved the rainbow!

Am so happy that Stephen is visiting DnA...wish you were going along are a person that one can learn a lot from!

I must make the effort and come to see the way your home is shaping up!